


ctrlId: string

This is the actual name of the component

rendered: boolean
self: {
    TypeStr: string;

Type declaration

  • TypeStr: string
TypeStr: string


  • Returns {
        height: number;
        width: number;

    • height: number
    • width: number
  • Parameters

    • cls: string

    Returns boolean

  • Send some post window message to the 3d model IFrame


    • data: object

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: string

      A css compliant background string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: string | number

      CSS size string with or without unit or number which will be interpreted as px

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: string

      CSS size string with or without unit or number which will be interpreted as px

    Returns void

  • Set parameter value of the model.
    Changes are not sent immediately to the IFrame but are queued until after the current execution context in order to batch send multiple subsequent changes.


    • title: string

      The title of the parameter to set as received from getParameterDefinitions

    • value: string | number | boolean

    Returns void

  • Set the content of the tooltip


    • content: string

      Plain text or HTML

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • cls: string

      One or more CSS classes which are added to the control. Previously added classes are removed.

    Returns void

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