


ctrlId: string

This is the actual name of the component

rendered: boolean
self: {
    TypeStr: string;

Type declaration

  • TypeStr: string
TypeStr: string


  • Returns number

  • Returns {
        height: number;
        width: number;

    • height: number
    • width: number
  • Waits until the viewer was fully loaded & bootstrapped before returning the viewer instance.


    A Viewer instance or throws if an unexpected error occurs during bootstrapping.

    Returns Promise<Viewer>

  • Parameters

    • cls: string

    Returns boolean

  • When setting the viewer controls version property to Injected, this function is used to provide the viewer which should be used by the control.

    Example usage:

    import { Viewer } from '@combeenation/3d-viewer';
    // ...
    CfgrUtils.onCfgrReady(() => {
    // ...
    // ...

    See Combeenation docs for more details on how to use this.


    • ViewerClass: any
    • Optional eventCallbacks: {
          onAfterParametersApplied?: ((modelVisibility: ModelVisibilityEntry[], parameterValues: ParameterValues) => void);
          onAfterViewerCreated?: ((viewer: Viewer) => void);
          onBeforeCreateViewer?: ((viewerSettings: ViewerSettings) => void);

      Defintion of viewer control callbacks

      import { Viewer, ViewerSettings, ModelVisibilityEntry, ParameterValues } from '@combeenation/3d-viewer';
      // ...

      viewerCtrl.injectViewer(Viewer, {
      onBeforeCreateViewer: (viewerSettings: ViewerSettings) => {
      // overwrite settings which are used for the viewer creation
      viewerSettings.limitTextureSize = { devices: 'iPhone', size: 512 };
      onAfterViewerCreated: (viewer: Viewer) => {
      // viewer is available at this time but the initial parameters have not been applied yet
      // => good chance to add custom parameters
      // also setup scene (add lights, ground, etc...)
      onAfterParametersApplied: (modelVisibility: ModelVisibilityEntry[], parameterValues: ParameterValues) => {
      // e.g. center camera if model has been changed
      if (modelVisibility.length) {
      await centerCamera();
      • Optional onAfterParametersApplied?: ((modelVisibility: ModelVisibilityEntry[], parameterValues: ParameterValues) => void)
          • (modelVisibility: ModelVisibilityEntry[], parameterValues: ParameterValues): void
          • Parameters

            • modelVisibility: ModelVisibilityEntry[]
            • parameterValues: ParameterValues

            Returns void

      • Optional onAfterViewerCreated?: ((viewer: Viewer) => void)
          • (viewer: Viewer): void
          • Parameters

            • viewer: Viewer

            Returns void

      • Optional onBeforeCreateViewer?: ((viewerSettings: ViewerSettings) => void)
          • (viewerSettings: ViewerSettings): void
          • Parameters

            • viewerSettings: ViewerSettings

            Returns void

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: string

      A css compliant background string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: string | number

      CSS size string with or without unit or number which will be interpreted as px

    Returns void

  • Show or hide the control


    • value: boolean | CtrlVisibility

      True: "Show"
      False: "PluggedOut"

    • Optional updateCtrlProperty: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: string

      CSS size string with or without unit or number which will be interpreted as px

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • Set the content of the tooltip


    • content: string

      Plain text or HTML

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • cls: string

      One or more CSS classes which are added to the control. Previously added classes are removed.

    Returns void

  • Starts augmented reality session for the current scene content of the viewer control.

    This includes:

    • preparation and optimization of the 3d model for AR
    • redirection to AR endpoint on AR capable devices (mobiles)
    • create QR code with link to AR endpoint on non AR capable devices (desktops)
    • handle popups blocked by browsers by showing a manual link to the AR endpoint instead of performing the automatic redirect

    See Combeenation docs for more details on how to use this.


    Returns void

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