
  • Log





  • Adds a log to our session store.
    Won't print the log to the console itself but returns a function which prints it when it is called.

    Implemented this way in order to prevent filename & linenumber from the code that actually called Log.add.

    !!! Note !!!

    PrintLog prints the addData object before the logData object


    Function which actually prints the added log to the console when called


    • msg: string

      The message to write

    • Optional type: Type

      Type which determines the output color in the console in FF & Chrome

    • Optional logData: object

      Additional objects to append to the output

    • Optional addData: object

      Additional data which is also added when toString is called in terse mode (not verbose...)

    • Optional format: string

      Additional format for the output (CSS like 'Color: blue', ...). Only works in FF and Chrome

    Returns Function

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