• Function for assigning a callback to textbox value changes.
    The function can distinguish between different trigger modes, so that the user can decide if the callback should be executed on each character input, when pressing enter, when leaving the textbox or on a combination of these trigger events.
    Furthermore the function can be debounced to minimize the amount of callback executions.
    If neither the trigger parameter, nor the debounceMS parameter is set, the function behaves exactly as the "Value Changed" signal of the textbox control.


    • ctrlName: string
    • callback: ((value: string, ctrl: Textbox) => void)
        • (value: string, ctrl: Textbox): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • trigger: TextboxValueChangeTrigger = TextboxValueChangeTrigger.OnTypingAndEnterSubmit

      Decide on which trigger the value change callback should be executed, see TextboxValueChangeTrigger for detailed information about the options.
      If the trigger input is left undefined, on typing and enter submit triggers will be used.

    • Optional debounceMS: number

      Defers the call until the value changed event hasn't been triggered for this amount of time, only takes effect for OnTyping trigger.
      - 0: no debouncing
      - > 0: debouncing with the defined time in milliseconds
      - undefined: use default debouncing time from textbox control

    Returns void

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