
  • ErrorOptions


appendDefaultErrorDetail?: boolean

If true the defaultErrorDetail containing the error id + contact link, will be appended to the given detail text.
Default value is false

btnAction?: Function | ButtonActionType | ButtonActionType[] | Function[]

If it's a function, the dialog will not (!) be closed automatically.
If btnText is an array, this also needs to be an array of the same length with functions & ButtonActions.
Default value is CloseDialog

btnText?: string | string[]

Default value is 'Continue'

criticalError?: boolean

The default error message is different for critical and non critical errors (user can continue or should try again later, ...).
Default value is false.

detailText?: string

The detail text that is shown for the error.
Can be a simple string or html.

dialogClass?: string

Additional class(es) which are added to the dialogs base element

errorId?: string

If given, the error name is shown in the default error details body.
Can be used to show error IDs of failed server responses.

errorName?: string

The name under which errors are reported and grouped in raygun.
The given title is used if this is not given.

errorText?: string

Additional text to report to raygun which won't be shown to the user.
Also it is shown with the title in the console session history.

exc?: Error

Exception text and stack (if available) will be passed to raygun

hidePrevError?: boolean

True to hide an already shown error.
If false the error won't be shown if there is already an error dialog visible.
Default value is false

isComError?: boolean

True to send additional SignalR logs with the session log to raygun.
Also sends the browser reported online status with the json obj.
Default value is false

jsonObj?: object

An additional JSON object which will be passed to raygun

reportError?: boolean

Report error to raygun.
Default value is true.

rgErrorId?: string

Use this error ID instead of creating a new one

showActionBtn?: boolean
showDialog?: boolean

Can be used to silently send error messages to raygun.
Default value is true

tags?: string[]

Can be used to add custom tags which are sent to raygun

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